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Stéphanie Maatouk

Current student
4th year - Occupational Therapy (USJ - IET)

Stéphanie Maatouk This scholarship has impacted my life in an extremely positive way.

Determined that I am to study occupational therapy, I went to the Financial Aid Office and it was a very pleasant experience for me.

USJ helped me get a scholarship and pushed me to be more persistent and prove that I deserved this scholarship and diploma.

This scholarship fueled my desire to move forward and progress!

I would like to infinitely thank the donors who have supported me.

If they could see me, they would directly see, through my eyes, the amount of appreciation and gratitude I have for them.

If I saw my donors, I would be speechless for their gift has changed my life in a remarkable way.

A million thanks to them and may God bless them.

It is thanks to USJ that I am who I am today; that is why I am grateful to my university and would like to give back - a hundred times and more - what it has given me!